More Pictures from Hamelin - Ad Card Reveal

Last summer, we took a memorable trip to Germany to visit family, and while we were there, we had the incredible opportunity to explore Hamelin, the legendary home of the Pied Piper story. To make the most of our visit, we arranged for a private tour with a knowledgeable historian and guide. She led us through the picturesque streets of Hamelin, weaving together the rich history and the intriguing backstory of the Pied Piper as we walked.
Everywhere you look in Hamelin, the influence of the Pied Piper legend is apparent. It's not just in the statues or plaques; the story has become a living, breathing part of the town. You can even see depictions of the Pied Piper painted on the walls of private homes, a reminder of how deeply rooted this tale is in the community's culture.
One of the highlights of our visit was the Glockenspiel in the town center, near the iconic Market Church. Every afternoon at 3:00, the Glockenspiel chimes to tell the story of the Pied Piper, complete with moving figurines. The Market Church itself holds a significant place in the tale, as it’s said that all the adults of Hamelin were attending a service there when the Pied Piper led the town’s children away. We'll share more about this historic church and how we’ve incorporated its importance into our Pied Piper project in a future update.
The Pied Piper/Hamelin Museum was another fascinating stop. The museum is filled with artifacts, books, and sculptures, each adding layers to the story. In German, the Pied Piper is known as Der Rattenfänger, or The Rat Catcher, as seen on an antique book by Julius Wolff. For our project, we decided to stick with the English title, but you’ll notice we retained the German spelling of Hamelin as “Hameln” throughout the main deck design. This was a deliberate choice to reflect the authenticity and heritage of the legend. So, if you see "Hameln" on our cards, don’t think we’ve made a typo—it’s a nod to history.
One of the most striking pieces in the museum was an old wood carving from around the year 1600. The accompanying text was written in an archaic German dialect, and even my German family members debated its spelling and meaning. After some discussion, it was confirmed that the text accurately told the tragic story of Hamelin’s loss in 1284. This historical detail inspired us to include those very words on the extra ad card in The Pied Piper deck. We wanted to create something truly special—a piece of history that directly connects the deck to its legendary origins.
Exploring Hamelin gave us a deeper appreciation for the enduring legacy of the Pied Piper story. It’s a tale that has captivated imaginations for centuries, and through our project, we hope to honor its mystery and charm while bringing it to life in a way that collectors and storytellers alike will treasure. Stay tuned for more stories, insights, and sneak peeks as we continue this journey together.