Card Craft - The Everything Playing Cards Blog

Welcome to the introductory post about the new Card Craft blog. Here we'll explore the intricacies of playing card design, manufacturing, and what to do with your cards!
Designing playing cards is a lot of fun and accessible for many people at any skill level. We'll explore everything from how to design your own cards, to finding an artist to do it for you. I'll also touch on design standards, tools, templates, and many more aspects of card design you probably never thought about.
While designing cards is fun and exciting, producing the cards is often where people fall short. Or, they manufacture cards before the design is ready. We'll dive deep into playing card manufacturing, who are the key players in the industry, how to get started, pitfalls to avoid, and many other topics related to producing your own deck of cards. One of the hottest topics is Kickstarter and whether you should use it to fund your project. I'll share my personal experience with Kickstarter as both a producer with multiple successful Kickstarter campaigns and as a collector who has backed over 130 playing card projects to date.
Finally, we'll explore what you can do with your cards. I got into playing card design through magic, so we'll look at how magicians use playing cards and we'll also learn a few tricks along the way! The world of playing card collecting is vital to the community, so we'll look at playing card clubs, conventions, legendary collections, and many other topics related to collecting playing cards. We'll also look at games you can play and the exciting world of cardistry! But this only scratches the surface when it comes to what you can do with your cards.
I've got some exciting interviews lined up that I think you'll enjoy and I look forward to sharing my experience in the world of playing cards over the last decade. It's going to be quite the adventure and I hope you'll join us!!
Until next time,
Would you like to contribute to this blog? Send an email to and let's talk. We're always looking for interesting takes and your experience with playing cards is worth sharing.